Indoor Activities for Toddlers Near Breckenridge, Colorado

The Breckenridge area is gorgeous and there are miles upon miles of trails to explore…but sometimes you just need the comforts of being indoors. That is a-okay. It’s called balance! We all need it! In our quest to get out of the house with a toddler we have discovered a lot of great indoor activities that are a happy blend of being toddler-focused while also relaxing for the parental unit…

Sometimes you just want to stay indoors with your kids…but still need to get out of the house. This is how we keep ourselves sane while also keeping the toddler entertained! There are a handful of great local businesses that are an excellent way to get out and about with younger children who aren’t quite ready to venture deep into the wilderness.


Breckenridge’s Best *Late Season* Wildflower Hikes


How We Got Our Kid Comfortable On A Bike